I have realized that too much time was frittered away, cloistered in my home studio, isolated.
On the other hand, it can be so cozy and snug at home. For most days the cat is all the company I need.
Ah, the cat. One can go bonkers.
One day, staring at a blank canvas, waiting for great things to come to mind, I was aimlessly twirling a wad of cat hair (yes...it can get that bad) when I noticed that it was 'spinning' into lengths of yarn-like string.
Well! The neurons were firing THEN, I'll tell you! I pulled the ends. It held. Unbelievable. Cat-hair yarn is strong. I proceeded to chase the cat, brush in hand, to gather as much fur as I could. In time I was quite pleased with the size of my bundle. She wasn't.
Could I knit with this? Oh the fun! Everyone should be so inspired! With my No. 6 needles, I actually knit a little mat. Will wonders never cease?
I offered to knit cat-sweaters for family members. Honestly...I had expected whoops of delight at the idea. They shrieked NO!
Solomon once said that there is nothing new under the sun. I thought my discovery was marvelously unique, until I found a book devoted to Crafting With Cat Hair.
Who knew?