I'm not an abstract painter, but I enjoy abstract paintings nonetheless. It's like listening to someone speak a language that I don't understand, yet understanding what is said anyway.
I wondered if there was a particular style of abstract art that was more liked, or less liked, than others. Love 'em or hate 'em, most people do have an opinion about abstracts.
I decided to try a little experiment. On nine 7"x9" panels, I painted a variety of abstracts in 'typical' styles. Then on Facebook and in our little local gallery, I posted the panels and invited everyone to Cast Your Vote.
Take a look. Choose your favorite and the one you like least. Tell me your gender and age group too, for statistical purposes. I am curious if certain styles may be more or less liked by certain age groups. Write your vote in a Comment!
20 to 40, 41 to 60, and over 60. Get in on the fun! Vote! |