Friday, May 20, 2011

do as I say

Hello, Friends,

Did you catch that? "Hello COMMA Friends comma"

My librarian friend pointed out to me that proper English demands that a proper name must be set apart with commas before and after. :-)

Who knew?

Anyway, have a good day.....or, er....cheers!

Ellen (or should I say ,Ellen,)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

reply is in the mail

Things worked against me, but I prevailed. Our gallery members were invited to submit show proposals to another gallery--due on May 15.

Moving here has been very disruptive to my art in that I'm still surrounded by towers of boxes in my studio. There seem to be too many things that have superseded the priority of unpacking. We suffered and grieved through three immediate-family deaths since we've moved here, these came on the heels of the deaths of my parents. This also meant closing down the two households of our parents. In the midst of all that, we had two (not our fault) auto accidents.

It's time to redirect energies.

Now is as good a time as any to 'get my feet wet' again and submit. But what? My things are in boxes, so painting up a storm is not likely. But I have drawings: a series of anapormorphic drawings in which the viewer must look through a device (here, a reflective sphere) to reconstitute the image. I seriously doubt the gallery is looking for drawings--that must lay on a table no less--but I wanted to submit anyway.

Hey, at least it forced me to update my CV (which I was certain I had saved on my PC, but apparently didn't--fortunately I remembered I had wrapped plates for our move with my old CV pages, so I had a good reference to rewrite from....once I found that box of plates!). I had to learn how to edit and transfer photos to CD from our new camera, go out and buy large envelopes and presentation folders, and write a project proposal. I then mailed it out in plenty of time; I've done all I can for this right now. Honestly, I'm not expecting anything....but you never know.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Homage to Bodies

It's been one of those days when.....well, you know.....when it feels like your face is stuck to your skull.

I have a cold, and it makes my whole face feel tight.

This reminds me that I went to see the exhibit "Bodies." It was truly amazing. You should go if you haven't seen one yet. They are all over the world.

Thus my Homage to Bodies.

Come have tea with Sam.