Wednesday, August 13, 2014

any moment now...


Sweetie-Pie-Love-of-My-Life scavenged a discarded filing cabinet. We are in the process of cleaning it and painting it bright red for my studio. Oh I can’t wait to sort through and file all the boxes of ephemera I’ve been collecting over the years. I have inklings of so many projects that just prickle on the verge of my consciousness…do you know what I mean? Do you ever have that too? Where you know there is an idea or important thought just on the edge of something in your mind, and you can’t quite read it yet, but you know that somehow it will suddenly materialize into a glorious AH hah  moment and you feel like you’ll land running.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

a bit of rapsody

I fantasize about being a bohemian artist who sits in cafes all day with sketchpad/notebook in hand, and people walk by and look at you and just know that you are somehow special and have a gift to see that which they never can, and they want to come up to you and ask you something, anything, just to hear what you have to share about art, but at the same time they are intimidated so they just walk by pretending they never noticed you in the first place.

Monday, July 7, 2014

The Pursuit of Art is a Noble Thing # 1

“What do you mean we can’t have a moose head over our fireplace?” he asked with a grin. Clearly, Love-of-My-Life and I have differing ideas of beauty.

The phrase “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” (similar to “One man’s trash is another’s treasure”) may actually have less to do with preference and more to do with the eye’s physical ability to see.
Studies indicate that while, on average, one in 255 women suffers some form of color deficiency, as many as one in twelve men do.  has a fun, free, online color challenge. The page opens to four strips of out-of-order color squares. You drag and drop the squares of color to correct the order to produce a smooth progression from one color to the next. Your score is calculated against others in your age and gender category.

While you are rearranging the colors, think about how you feel. We have all heard that blue calms and red can raise your blood pressure, but a new study revealed that green can boost your creativity.
Sue Shellenbarger reported in the Wall Street Journal that students were given creativity tests. 
Students who had green cover papers were consistently more creative in their answers than students who had white, red, blue, or grey cover papers.

Green paper aside, some of my most creative thoughts came when I left (the room).
Take a break. Leave the room. Imbibe liberally in a beverage of choice (mine is coffee).
Perhaps the most creative solution to the moose head is to braid green ribbons through the antlers and imbibe.


first published in Big Country News,   13 March 2014.      

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

"e ... l " as in the prize

I always need to spell out my last name. Noble is common enough, but mine is spelled Nob-e-l. 'Like the prize' I often say when I get a puzzled look. For 30 years, the only 'Nobel' names in our city phone books belonged to Sweetie-Pie-Love-of-my-Life and me, and my in-laws.

Imagine our surprise and delight when Youngest-Son found this bag of candy in a specialty candy store! Our name is all over it! 'The Nobel's Times.' 'Nobel Super Shoga Candy.' I had to frame it.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

ahh...the write life

A new weekly community paper opened in February this year. It seems that elsewhere there is much press about sports especially and also about music and drama, but very little is specific to visual art in the valley. In March, I approached Big Country News about the need for information about arts and the artists, and I offered to write columns to that end!
Whoo-hoo! They loved the idea. Since then I've been busy writing for the 2nd and 4th week of every month. On the 2nd week, I write about a tidbit of interest about art in general, and I showcase a local artist on the 4th. (I'll include my tidbits in this blog from time to time.)
Writing for the paper is a fabulous activity. I have decided to look again at books I had written years ago. Back then, I even went so far as to send some off to publishers and have grown a very healthy pile of rejection letters! I've read that many well-known authors began their career by accumulating hundreds of rejection letters. I'm in good company.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

run on with canada post

When I heard that postage might be raised to a dollar, I wondered if Canada Post might reinstate a practice they offered about 20 years ago: reduced rate Christmas stamps for Christmas cards, because if postage is so high, no one will send cards any more...then Hallmark and Carlton won't profit and a box of cards will then cost $40, which no one will buy, so the paper producers will not profit, which forces them to increase the price of school loose-leaf packs which will sky rocket from 79 cents to $5, which moms won't pay, so children will not be able to complete schoolwork and will suffer failing grades, which means they will drop out of school, causing a shortage of skilled labor, which will create havoc on the economy, and families will have no choice but to curtail vacation trips to far and remote lands which is probably for the best since no one can afford to send a post card anyway!
(Stamps were later actually only (only!!) raised to 85 cents from 63. I wonder if it was never intended to be raised to a dollar, but that figure was tossed about so there would be relief rather than shock at the 22 cent jump.)

Monday, March 31, 2014

felinus hilarium

Who knew nearly two years could whiz by so quickly? Well...since I'm here, it should be obvious that I eventually did get set up with a new computer...a tablet actually. Fun. Portable. Now I can be one of those people who go out, and do work in pleasant surroundings: coffee shops, cafes, the park...
I have realized that too much time was frittered away, cloistered in my home studio, isolated.
On the other hand, it can be so cozy and snug at home. For most days the cat is all the company I need.
Ah, the cat. One can go bonkers.
One day, staring at a blank canvas, waiting for great things to come to mind, I was aimlessly twirling a wad of cat hair ( can get that bad) when I noticed that it was 'spinning' into lengths of yarn-like string.
Well! The neurons were firing THEN, I'll tell you! I pulled the ends. It held. Unbelievable. Cat-hair yarn is strong. I proceeded to chase the cat, brush in hand, to gather as much fur as I could. In time I was quite pleased with the size of my bundle. She wasn't.
Could I knit with this? Oh the fun! Everyone should be so inspired! With my No. 6 needles, I actually knit a little mat. Will wonders never cease?
I offered to knit cat-sweaters for family members. Honestly...I had expected whoops of delight at the idea. They shrieked NO!
Solomon once said that there is nothing new under the sun. I thought my discovery was marvelously unique, until I found a book devoted to  Crafting With Cat Hair.
Who knew?